Language Literacy and Communication
Llythrennedd Iaith a Chyfathrebu
The Languages, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning and Experience (Area) addresses fundamental aspects of human communication. It aims to support learning across the whole curriculum and to enable learners to gain knowledge and skills in Welsh, English and international languages as well as in literature.
What does languages, literacy and communication look like at St. Mary’s?
Daily Welsh lesson
RWInc phonic lessons
School trips – local library, museums
Whole school performances
Daily literacy skills lessons – spellings, handwriting, reading
Links with local comprehensive for French and Spanish lessons
Two Welsh sabbatical teachers
Fresh start lessons
Guided reading
Reading libraries for all pupils
Celebrating literature
Daily storytime
Giglets online learning
Reading with my child
Reading is a highly valued life-long skill here at St. Mary's Primary and aim to foster a love of reading amongst all our pupils. All children will take home weekly reading book, a chosen library book as well as other home learning centred around reading. All classes have the opportunity to visit our local library within Chepstow on a termly basis and take home a library book to enjoy.
Below you will guidance sheets for supporting your child's reading at home.