All Are Welcome at St Mary's
Croeso bawb! Welcome to our school website. Here you should find some useful information about our school. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you require anything else.
As a school we aim to provide a happy, secure and essentially Catholic environment for children, where they can participate readily in the process of learning and encounter as broad a curriculum as possible. Each child will be helped to realise their maximum potential as we place great emphasis on the whole development of each individual child. We want them to achieve at least as well as all children in Wales and aim for most to do even better. We aim for all to begin to use their own initiative so that they learn to work by themselves, but we will at the same time give them opportunities to develop the skills they need to communicate with others and understand more of the world in which they live.
We work hard to strengthen the relationship between home,
school and parish. Above all we want your children to be
happy, well-motivated, individuals supporting the society in
which they live.
In all that we do, we strive to live our mission:
Learning for Life with Christ as our Light.
Mrs Cerqua
Head Teacher